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FRS Data Masking: Protecting Your Sensitive Data, One Byte at a Time

Discover sensitive data based on predefined data analysis rules. Manipulate the data permanently.

How Do We Do It?

The process is performed according to two parameters: the values of "sampling count" and the "hit ratio." In this method, FRS scans all columns in a database, randomly fetches a specified number of rows, and then compares them to a predefined critical dataset to calculate a compatibility ratio.

If the ratio is greater than or equal to the hit ratio values, the columns are added to the analysis result, and a sensitive data map is created. This map includes information such as the location of the data, the compatibility value, and the action rule for masking.

Critical Dataset: The Heart of Your Sensitive Data Protection

Critical Dataset: The Heart of Your Sensitive Data Protection

The critical dataset is a set of data that is considered sensitive and needs to be protected. It can be defined using templates such as ID card numbers, credit card numbers, email addresses, and phone numbers, which can be easily added to the discovery policy.

Predefined Templates : The Smart Choice for Sensitive Data Protection

FRS includes predefined templates such as ID card, master card number, visa number, email address or phone number that can be used to define the critical dataset. These templates can be easily added to the discovery policy.

FRS uses these templates to scan the database and identify any data that matches the predefined templates. This data is considered part of the critical dataset and is subject to masking or other protection measures. FRS can also allow you to add any other custom template you consider critical data.

Predefined Templates : The Smart Choice for Sensitive Data Protection

Say Goodbye to Sensitive Data Breaches With FRS Data Masking

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