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Backup And Recovery

It's high time that your business moved away from traditional backup methods!

Backup: How Is It Different with FRS?

Backup: How Is It Different with FRS?

The database's data file is first copied to the FRS storage. The storage serves as FRS's master copy backup. Second, based on the RPO numbers, FRS performs a log backup. Third, FRS performs a database search to identify the modified data blocks.

These data blocks are then applied to the most recent master copy. It brings the data in the master copy near that in the production database. FRS takes a snapshot of the previously constructed MC state before the block-applying operation. In light of the retention period, FRS enables you to recover the database at a specific time.

Why Choose FRS for Your Data Recovery Journey?

Introducing user-friendly enterprise data backup and recovery software to your business is the best step ahead that you take. Time-tested technology helps boost data accessibility and reduce data loss by streamlining corporate planning. Frees up your staff time so they can concentrate on more meaningful tasks.

Why Choose FRS for Your Data Recovery Journey?

FRS Backup and Recovery: What It Offers?

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